Davy Crockett Biography Puppet Script

Davy Crockett

Hi!  My name is Davy Crockett.  I was born in eastern Tennessee in 1786.  I was named after my grandfather Davy Crockett.

We did not have a lot of money.  We lived on a small farm in Tennessee.  I went to school when I was 13 years old.  I learned the alphabet and how to read.  When I was eighteen, I fell in love with Margaret Elder.  We set up a wedding date.  I went to see Margaret’s sister.  She told me something awful! Margaret had decided to marry someone else.

I met Polly.  We had three children.  A few months later, my wife Polly fell sick.  Two weeks later, she died.  She was only twenty-six.  No one knows for sure how she died.

After that, I decided to run for Colonel in March, 1818.  I won the election.

In 1835, I went to San Antonio, Texas.  There they had an old church and a few other buildings.  At the Alamo, they had strong walls.  On February 23, everyone took their posts between the defenders inside.  The Mexican army was coming.

We fought and fought.  Twice soldiers tried to climb the wall.  Twice they were pushed back.  Now Travis and Bowie were dead.  It’s sad.  I died in the Alamo.

The Alamo battle was for Texas independence.  Now the Alamo is a museum.  One of my buckskin vests is in the museum.

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